Released scripts
Advanced scripts (requires programming knowledge)
Note: If you cannot code, the projects below are basically useless to you. The links are to the source code, we do not write up instructions or check the projects below, so some of them might be broken. These are just to provide reference material and help get new projects going. If you are able to make something useful, please join our discord and tell us about it (ping @Project Dev
)! We will most likely also link it here and add it as one of our projects
Goober Royale XP farm
Collects free coins and collect goals automatically.
Notes: No longer deployable on replit due to changes, if you are thinking about working on this, please find a way to convert it into node.js or a go serverless function to deploy to netlify kinda like ACRv2
Description: Set up tutorial: Original made by Tank8k.
Gooberdash all in one ACR
Collects free spins, coins, gems, and prize rounds automatically.
Notes: No longer deployable on replit due to changes, if you are thinking about working on this, please find a way to convert it into node.js or a go serverless function to deploy to netlify kinda like ACRv2
Description: Set up tutorial: Original made by Tank8k.